Initially walking toward the goal

November 25, 2024

The difficulty in chasing a goal with family in your life is mainly traced to the uncomfortable tranformation of self.

As we moved into the Age of the Aquarius, many "in-tune" persons have made intentional changes to folow their higher self.

this move is only focused on allowing the to be free. Freedom has always been the goal, regardless of the occupation and situation.

Music is the king of all professions because it brings all professions together. No other job does this.

We are in a moment of focusing on self and that requires intentional movements. Getting back to the basics and following those that are lowly and need guidance.

We all fell from a higher frequency and the goal if accepted is to rise by being the example. Vibrate at the frequency of your choice and usher those of higher heights to those higher heights.

The reasons Heaven and Hell work well to distract those on Earth, is because the intuitively are rooted in natural phenomenons. If you know nothing of them, or of the Universal Laws, then you mistake the Bible for law and not the Bable it is.

All poetry is regarded in fascination. My challenge for you is to ignore what has been told to you. Instead, be an example of honor and integrity for love and frequency. What if to honor your Mother and Father, theft is required? Or similar to War, what is protection requires harm? Not trick questions.

The answers do not come from me, I AM SIMPLY CURIOUS.